Daphne Macklin
1 min readAug 18, 2021


Thank you for the philosophical insights but I prefer to be a little more grounded in my musing.

First, being driven to what would otherwise be an irrational act, apparent suicide, as a consequence of an act of murder, the terrorist attacks on two occupied high rise office towers using stolen air passenger jets, complete with passengers, doesn't keep the choice made by the individual from not being a suicide. I am taking the position that this is your point.

Let me suggest that what the "Falling Man" image depicts is a murder in progress. In that image I see all of the people who died in fear and terror including, lest we not forget, a group of school children who had won a trip to California along with their teachers. I could have been one of those children. My parents could have been those teachers.

And yeah, I could have been one of those people who chose to fall to my death rather than choke on poisonous fumes or in the agony of being burned alive. In me that image inspires outrage, not shame, and a desire for blood veageance about as old as human civilization.

